Red Manera

Client | Sky Waterfront
Collaborator | Tara Sakhi
Location | Beirut, Lebanon
Area | 1,500 sqm
Date of Completion | August 2017
Team | Tessa Sakhi, Tara Sakhi, Aman Slim
General Contractor | Acec
Sub-Contractor | Joe Habchy, Antoine Feghali
Mechanical Engineer | Sharingem
Mechanical Consultant | Dany El-Murr
Electrical Consultant | Ziad Helou
Structural Engineer | Ramy Bou Chedid
Sound Engineer | Roger Bou Farhat
Lighting Consultant | Hiljo Stadt
Main Consultant | Apave
Landscape Architect | Roots
Preliminary Layout | Sari El Khazen
Photos | Ieva Saudargaite

Nostalgia and resilience, both engrained in the Lebanese social fabric, were the driving force behind the concept for the renowned SKYBAR nightclub: how to recreate the venue after it caught fire back in 2015, while preserving its identity. From split mirror cladding, fragmented screens, altered lighting installations, to infiltrated greenery, the aim was to convey a distorted perception of the space and its surrounding. As for recuperated raw steel scattered around, they are reminiscent of SKYBAR reemerging from its ashes with a fresh new identity.


SAIFI 162 - Building


O1NE - Nightclub & Venue